Some of the Procedures Performed in Our Clinic for Treatment and Diagnosis of Pain Conditions:
- Lower Back and Lower Extremity
- Interlaminar Epidural Steroid/Local Anesthetic Injection
- Caudal Epidural/Local Anesthetic Steroid Injection
- Transforaminal Injections
- Lumbar Selective Nerve Root Blocks (SNRB)
- Lumbar Diagnostic Medial Branch Blocks (MBB)
- Lumbar Radiofrequency Ablation RFA (Percutaneous Radiofrequency Neurotomy)
- Provocation Discography (Discogram)
- Neuromodulation
- Sacroiliac (SI) Joint Interventions
- Diagnostic and Therapeutic SI Joint Injections
- Diagnostic SI Joint L5 Dorsal Ramus and S1-S3 Lateral Branch Blocks
- SI Joint Radiofrequency Ablation RFA (Percutaneous Radiofrequency Neurotomy)
- Lumbar Sympathetic Blocks
- Cluneal Diagnostic Nerve Blocks and Radiofrequency Ablation
- Neck, Headache, Migraine, Facial and Upper Extremity
- Cervical Epidural Steroid Injection-Interlaminar
- Cervical Diagnostic Medial Branch Blocks
- Cervical Radiofrequency Ablation RFA (Percutaneous Radiofrequency Neurotomy)
- Cervical Transforaminal Injections
- Cervical Selective Nerve Root Blocks (SNRB)
- Greater Occipital Nerve Block
- Third Occipital Nerve Block and RFA
- Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB)
- Thoracic Back and Chest
- Thoracic Epidural Steroid Injection
- Thoracic Diagnostic Medial Branch Blocks
- Intercostal Nerve Block and Radiofrequency Neurotomy (RFA)
- Thoracic Radiofrequency Ablation RFA (Percutaneous Radiofrequency Neurotomy)
- Neuromodulation
- Thoracic Back and Chest
- Dorsal Column Stimulation
- Percutaneous Spinal Cord Stimulator
(SCS) Trial - Permanent Percutaneous Spinal Cord
Stimulator (SCS) Implantation
- Rechargeable and Non-rechargeable Implanted Pulse Generator (IPG)
- Dorsal Root Ganglion (DRG) Stimulator
- Interventional Pain Procedures as Adjunct to Routine Cancer Treatment
- Celiac Plexus Block for Pancreatic Cancer (Diagnostic and Neurolytic)
- Neuromodulation
- Joint Pain
- Fluoroscopic and Ultrasound Guided Joint Injections
- Ultrasound Guided Carpal Tunnel Injections
- Genicular Diagnostic Blocks and Percutaneous
Radiofrequency Neurotomy (RFA) for Knee Pain
- Pelvic and Abdominal Pain
- Ganglion Impar Block
- Lumbar Sympathetic Nerve Block
- Genitofemoral (ultrasound-guided) Nerve Block
- Ilioinguinal (ultrasound-guided) Nerve Block
- Other Common Procedures
- Trigger point Injections
- Physical Therapy for Strengthening, Balance and Range of Motion (Once we have reduced your pain enough to tolerate physical therapy)
- Medications to Reduce Nerve Excitation or Nerve Inflammation
- Avoidance of Non-Sustainable Potent Opioids or Treatment Plan to Get Patients Off Opioids
- Spine Surgery/Neurosurgery Referral When Indicated and Appropriate
- Procedures Frequently with Advanced Fluoroscopic (X-ray) or Ultrasound Guidance
- Moderate Sedation Utilized When Appropriate
- Diagnostic Lumbar Puncture
- PICC line insertion
- IV Ketamine Infusion
- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)
- Moderate to Severe Depression Unresponsive
to Other Treatments